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Customized Solutions

Gpoch name badges are made with metallic finishing in high polished metal foil or metalization, which integrated the weigtless plastic and the elegance apperance of lapel badges, name badges, name tag to best demonstrate your corporate identity.

Hot Items

Customer could choose your name badges, name tags, lapel badges in a variety choices of colours, material, styles in a wide range of badge models ; or you are also welcome to contact our sales personnel for your customized solutions.

International experiences

Gpoch integrated German technical and adapted from local services. We aim to offer sophisticated name badges with functionality, endurance, user-friendly and reliable quality products and accountable services to customers all over the world.

Reuseable Badges

The reusable name badge with user friendly perforated paper insertion / self adhesive labels with printing template, which is highly adapted to your front line services operational requirements.


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